Recharged creative batteries
Sometimes you have to take a proper break to recharge your creativity
Sometimes you have to take a proper break to recharge your creativity
A surprisingly fun night at the Alanis Morissette gig
My father painted this portrait of me when I was around 5 or 6 years old. He began painting it when we lived in Sweden, and he finished later when we had moved to Ireland. I know this because I recall posing for it when we lived in our little apartment in Kalmar in the […]
Today on the chalkboard I have written a quote by Herman Melville (author of Moby Dick) that celebrates the important idea of always being willing to try something new creatively. It is always a far more satisfying learning experience.
I had the privilege of seeing Mitch Hedberg live in one of his final performances and he did not disappoint. Every one of his carefully crafted jokes belong on a t-shirt (or a chalkboard). There is such wisdom and truth layered into every joke, and this one is no different.
Words of artistic wisdom to live by from my son Casper! “On a scale of 1 -10 on how good your art is, it will never be a ten. There is always room for improvement. by Casper. age 8”