Spark in the Dark / 13 January 2022

An Actual Conversation on YouTube – comedy sketch

Back in the day, at my monthly Brownbread Mixtape variety show, I would regularly write radio-style sketches for our resident sketch troupe The Brownbread Players (Gus McDonagh, Eva Bartley & Sean McDonagh). The show was always themed, and on this occasion the theme was “Do you speak my language?”, so I decided to find inspiration […]

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Inspiration / 18 May 2020

Marble Run

Creativity comes in so many forms, and this week introduced me to a beautiful new one in the shape of “Jelle’s Marble Runs“. As an avid viewer of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, I was doubly pleased it made me aware of this totally compelling YouTube channel, dedicated to racing marbles on homemade tracks. […]

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Inspiration / 10 August 2019

5 second movies

I remember seeing this silly YouTube series a few years ago where films were delightfully distilled into 5 seconds or so. Found em again, and they are a delight. Titanic one below is still the one that makes me laugh the loudest.

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Spark in the Dark / 12 March 2018

The Hole There In The Floor – a poem

This is a poem I started writing when I lived in New York and was starting to forge a really keen interest in poetry, and specifically performance poetry. The poem was supposed to be a snapshot of the punters I saw in a bar in Manhattan called Tom & Jerry’s. But the original draft was […]

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