A new year. A new chapter
As a new year begins, I share my thoughts on the creative journey ahead. I hope you’ll join me.
I have lived a creative life for almost 25 years, with proud successes in writing, performing, running gigs and a bundle of other arty delights. This is my personal website where I explore my own creative process, as well as other creative work that has sparked some magic for me. Jump right in!
Read my blog Buy my bookAs a new year begins, I share my thoughts on the creative journey ahead. I hope you’ll join me.
I’m a passionate podcast listener, and this is a selection of my favourites, all with a firm focus on storytelling
2022 offered up some brilliant films despite a torrent of mediocrity. Nicholas Cage’s bizarre brilliance, Batman’s noir charm, Top Gun’s thrilling nostalgia, Tony Hawk’s touching tale and George Carlin’s lasting legacy had me laughing, crying, and munching virtual popcorn all year.
In an era of remarkable television content and overwhelming platform choices, I have hand-picked the shows that resonated deepest with me in 2022. Get a notepad and add these to your binge-watch list.
Reflections on a rejuvenating break from work.
It’s Culture Night in Ireland soon and this year I’m moderating a panel discussion about creativity. It’s free, so come along and join us!
The final countdown! Numbers 10 to 1 of my personal picks for the 100 Greatest Comedy Sketches ever. Which one is your favourite of these choices?
Getting close now. Numbers 20 to 11 of my picks for the 100 Greatest Comedy Sketches ever. Are any of these undeserving of such a high ranking?
Into the home stretch. Numbers 30 to 21 of my picks for the 100 Greatest Comedy Sketches ever. How many of these have you seen?
Numbers 40 to 31 of my picks for the 100 Greatest Comedy Sketches ever. How many of these would you rate as number 1?