Fleabag – A modern masterpiece
I know I’m extremely late to the party but I just blazed through both seasons of Fleabag. Don’t know how I missed it. I just can’t get over how truly incredible and original it is. Brilliantly creative liberties taken and whipsmart in it’s execution. Oh how I wish I could have seen the original theatrical production this show evolved from. Phoebe Waller Bridge is such a wildly brilliant writer and note perfect performer. And what a terrific cast across the board, with special effusive praise for Olivia Colman and Andrew Scott (I don’t think I’ve ever seen either of them put in a bad performance in anything). Probably preaching to the choir here, but if you were foolish enough to miss it like me, then don’t delay and watch it. I can’t say enough good things about it. It’s a work of genius.