Creativity is the desire to dream
I always loved this quote about creative aspirations by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
I always loved this quote about creative aspirations by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
Wise words from German filmmaker Wim Wenders
The legendary Bob Dylan’s thoughts on creativity
Elmore Leonard offers some sagely advice about the art of writing.
Today’s inspirational quote on the chalkboard comes from the popular 19th Century American writer Julia McNair Wright. It seems like a fitting choice for where I currently find myself on my creative journey.
A collection of the many quotes I have scrawled on my chalkboard this year to inspire and prompt my creativity.
Dorothy Parker’s thoughts on creativity
Today’s quote on the chalkboard is from an unknown source, but has often been attributed to George Orwell. Either way, it feels more relevant than ever.
Yes, the song was slightly cheesy, but it was also a perfect little slice of pop music. And this line from the song always resonated with me. So it is today’s little chalkboard quote. When one door closes another opens.
Today on the chalkboard I have written a quote by Herman Melville (author of Moby Dick) that celebrates the important idea of always being willing to try something new creatively. It is always a far more satisfying learning experience.