A stream of consciousness about creativity

I’m fascinated by creativity (hence this website) and I admire so many forms of creativity. In a world increasingly dominated by automation and technological solutions, creativity is quickly becoming the most precious asset any employer or industry can have. But what is creativity? It’s not that easy to define, yet we all know creative people when we see them. We all know when we have sparks of creativity and ingenuity, but you’d be hard pushed to define it, or how to access that place in your brain easily.

I think there is a lot of bullshit spoken about creativity, and in different ways, almost everyone has some semblance of creative thoughts – be they artistic impulses, inventive problem solving, flair for cooking or handicrafts.

To me, creativity is ultimately about making something new.

Asking a question and finding an interesting path to the answer. Sometimes that question is directly posed and other times it appears to you (but not necessarily to others) and only you can see an inventive way to respond to the prompt.

All art is a response to something. The world around you. The challenges or restrictions placed in your way (creativity loves constraint). Or indeed the need to put an idea or piece of art out into the universe to bring a creative balance to the world you perceive & receive.

Creativity is a key.

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